Uninstall the notation CLI and its configuration

Uninstall the notation CLI, plugins, and configuration files

The notation CLI uses the following directories for its binaries and configuration files:

  • NOTATION_BIN is the directory for the notation binary.
  • NOTATION_LIBEXEC is the directory for other binaries, such as plugins, used by the notation.
  • NOTATION_CONFIG is the directory for the configuration files, including trust stores and trust policies.

Remove the notation CLI

Delete the NOTATION_BIN directory to remove the notation binary.

Remove the additional binaries

Delete the NOTATION_LIBEXEC directory to remove the additional binaries, including plugins.

Remove the configuration files

Delete the NOTATION_CONFIG directory to remove the configuration files.

Remove the test key and self-signed certificate

You can generate a sample test key and self-signed certificate using notation cert generate-test. For example:

notation cert generate-test --default "wabbit-networks.io"

At this time, that key and self-signed certificate files can’t be removed using notation key delete and notation cert delete. To remove this key and self-signed certificate files, remove the key from the signing list and certificate from the trust store using notation key delete and notation cert delete, then manually delete the key and certificate files.

Use notation key ls to show the location of the key and certificate files. For example:

notation key ls
NAME                   KEY PATH                                           CERTIFICATE PATH                                 ID   PLUGIN NAME
* wabbit-networks.io   NOTATION_CONFIG/localkeys/wabbit-networks.io.key   NOTATION_CONFIG/localkeys/wabbit-networks.io.crt

Use notation key delete to remove the key from the signing list. For example:

notation key delete wabbit-networks.io

Remove the key file using the path from notation key ls. For example:

rm NOTATION_CONFIG/localkeys/wabbit-networks.io.key

Use notation cert delete to remove the certificate reference from the trust store. For example:

notation cert delete --type ca --store wabbit-networks.io wabbit-networks.io.crt

Remove the certificate file using the path from notation key ls. For example to remove certificate file in BASH:

rm NOTATION_CONFIG/localkeys/wabbit-networks.io.crt
Last modified September 14, 2023 : fixed broken links (c754ea4)